Thursday, June 25, 2015


by Trynn

We’ve had articles on pets, and several subscribers have written about their own pets and sent stories they wanted to share.
Denny from Pittsburgh told us he reads dice and his cat Sylvester bats the dice around, “which gives me a whole new way of interpreting them.” We’re trying to convince Denny to write an article on how he reads dice.
Tom from Boston relates the following story about a seagull that saved a woman’s life.
I heard the story while vacationing at Cape Cod, where the incident allegedly occurred. What makes it unique is that it isn’t a story about a pet, but about a wild animal. According to the story, two sisters were in the habit of feeding seagulls from their yard. One day one of the sisters went for a walk on the rugged coast and fell from a 30-foot cliff. Severely bruised and injured, she was unable to climb back to safety, and lay on the rocky beach.
She was surprised when a seagull appeared and hovered over her. It didn’t go away; just hovered. She thought it looked like one of the gulls she and her sister fed, and called out, asking the gull to go for help. The gull flew off.
Meanwhile, at home, her sister was startled when a gull began tapping on a window with its beak. She tried to make it go away, but it persisted. She decided it was trying to tell her something, so she followed as it flew ahead of her, stopping every once in a while and waiting for her to catch up.
The gull eventually led her to the cliff where her sister had fallen, and she immediately called for help.
Diana told us that, in the tsunami that killed thousands, several elephant keepers were saved when they followed the elephants that began running to high ground. The elephants evidently sensed—or perhaps heard—the tsunami.
Kate from Des Plaines, IL, sent the following story:
In 1902 a volcanic eruption on the island of Martinique in the West Indies killed over 30,000 people. Prior to the eruption, however, animals on the island panicked and ran into the sea—even the animals that could not swim. They evidently sensed the impending eruption and were attempting to flee to safety.
Our editor Karen shares this incident: “I woke in the small hours of the morning with stomach pains from something I’d eaten. About the same time, our cat Revan Dark Lord of the Sith began misbehaving. I was in no mood to deal with her getting into mischief, so I verbally told her, ‘Revan, come lay by me and purr to help my sore tummy.’ In addition, I visualized her laying beside me and purring. A few seconds later she hopped up on the bed and pressed her nose against my stomach. She stayed like that for quite a while, then curled up behind my knees and went to sleep.”

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